21 | ASCII | for American Standard Code for Information Interchange in terms of the bee, this is not a case-sensitive word |
coding scheme developed to
standardize data transmission among disparate hardware and software
systems, now built into all personal computers.
22 | fey | According to Gaelic lore, those who could see (being clairvoyant) their own death (which meant they were doomed) became wild and euphoric (and giddy) | Doomed. Giddy. Clairvoyant. |
23 | duende | Charisma. Goblin. | |
24 | rathskeller | A restaurant or tavern, usually below street level, that features the serving of beer. | |
25 | nebuchadnezzar | A five-gallon bottle of wine. | |
26 | murrain | A
pestilence. A dire disease.
27 | ptarmic | Causing sneezing. | |
28 | schadenfreude | Pleasure whose source is others' misfortune. | |
29 | sang-froid | Coolness and composure, especially in trying circumstances. | |
30 | alliaceous | Of or resembling onion, garlic, or similar plants, particularly in taste and smell. | |
31 | tachyon | A hypothetical subatomic particle that travels faster than light. | |
32 | gibbous |
33 | leicester | A hard cheese, like cheddar, made from whole cow's milk. | |
34 | cayuse | In the American West, a small hardy not especially graceful horse from Spanish stock redomesticated by Indians. Related to the broncos, the mustangs, and, indirectly, the Fords. | |
35 | crissum | Under the tail of a bird, the feathers, or the area, surrounding the opening where the intestines discharge. |